Tag: technology
Digital Transformation
Technology at work: the great misunderstanding between businesses and employees
It would appear that employees are losing interest in their company's IT tools. At the same time,...
Digital Transformation
Being Digital in 2018 : stop reheating old dishes
entreprise 2.0, social business, technologie, transformation digitale, web 2.0, web-social,usages
The young don’t care about tech and that’s an issue
digital, geek, generation X, generation-Y, générations, hacker, litteracie, technologie, usages
Digital Transformation
Where are the budgets of digital transformation going ?
Digital transformation is a major issue and businesses are taking it very seriously, allocating it more and...
Books I read
Employement : a (lost ?) war against the machine ?
Does the digital revolution create or destroy jobs ? If we consider the digital industry and how...
Social Technologies may increase productivity by 25%
Summary : according to a recent McKinsey study, organization may expect a 25% increase in productivity from...
Software & Tools
The end of Google Wave : both something logical and a half-truth
Summary : Google announced the end of Wave last week. Beyond the logical deception of those who...
Picture of the week
Picture of the week #5 : technology is like fish….
Technology is like fish : the more it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes
The three dimensions of enterprise 2.0
There are many discussions on what enterprise 2.0 is, what it implies. There are many different visions,...