
Tag: value

Free or paid content: what is the real issue?

The Internet has accustomed us to (almost) everything being free, and a massive movement to make more content available for a fee is worrying users who see it as the arrival of a two-tiered web that discriminates against them. But the main stake of the abandonment of free access is not a certain form of equality in the access to information but rather a generalized exposure to disinformation for some. Towards a 100% paid web? Let's first ask ourselves why the issue seems to be resurfacing all of a sudden. The...

Free or paid content: what is the real issue?

The Internet has accustomed us to (almost) everything being free, and a massive movement to make more content available for a fee is worrying...

What’s the value of digital transformation ?

Let's not be in denial : we can say whatever we want about digital transformation, when it comes resources and budget allocation it's impossible...

Let’s talk about B2B customer experience

automatisation, B2B, caterpillar, connaissance client, data, données, expérience, expérience client, extranet, marketing, optimisation, process, self-service, valeur

Customers and the bring your own experience era

It took time before the message got understand and anchored into mindsets but it seems we've reached a tipping point : customers value experience....

Social Business and CFOs : the reconciliation ?

Not everybody in enterprises is as convinced and aware of the benefits of Social Business. For many reasons some even reject the matter. We...