Tag: web 2.0
Digital Transformation
Being Digital in 2018 : stop reheating old dishes
entreprise 2.0, social business, technologie, transformation digitale, web 2.0, web-social,usages
Digital Transformation
The future of the web : chaos and sustainability
Digital transformation is a hot topic but it's in fact nothing but one step in a broader...
Customer relationship
From passivity to experience : an history of digital interactions
Since the economy has started its digitization, concepts rise and decline at such a high speed that...
Software & Tools
Enterprise social software : knowledge worker’s paradise
Summary : gathering people and bringing them closer does not often increase performance. If it's a good...
Did web 2.0 kill communities ?
Summary : communities are a very trendy topic for enterprises. And yet it's not a new matter...
Social Medias : being there, doing as usual, doing new things
Everyday we receive new numbers that show that an always increasing number of people are "on" an...
7 web 2.0 words to use cautiously with real managers
Even if enterprise 2.0 has its source in web 2.0, everybody now recognize that what we can...
Web & Usages
The future of microblogging is…. blogging !
A former post on how this two kind of tools can complete each other brought many discussions,...
This is the world we live in
This is the nth update of a famous series I've already blogged the previous pieces before. No...