Today I've decided to tackle a subject that's obviously proving divisive, given the discussions I've had recently on the subject: that of socialization at work.
Sociability: proof of engagement, a prerequisite for collaboration and a remedy for loneliness
It's often said that the workplace is a place for socializing, or at least it should be.
What could be more normal than not to socialize at work? It's a mark of politeness, a sign of interest in others, even the only way to make the office a livable place, or even to survive in it.
Socializing is a...
Today I've decided to tackle a subject that's obviously proving divisive, given the discussions I've had recently on the subject: that of socialization at work.
Not all employee experience initiatives are created equal. Not because their intrinsic value is different, but because they don't all meet the same objectives...
Whether you call it employee experience or otherwise, initiatives to improve the lives of employees are numerous and the health crisis has even reinforced...
Improving the way employees work should be a major concern for organizations and, at their level, for every manager.
Improve work, not the result of...
When we speak of employee experience, the question immediately arises as to the scope of the function, which leads to the question of complementarity...