Tag: work environment
Employee Experience
What (digital) workplace experience for your employees ?
Employee experience is a prerequisite to customer experience which is the foundation of digital transformation. Without symmetry...
[Quote] We should not expect an application to work in environments for which its assumptions are not valid
We should not expect an application to work in environments for which its assumptions are not valid
Human resources
Will BYOD become a norm ?
According to a recent Gartner study, BYOD will become widespread in the next years and in 2017...
Intranets and digital workplace
Mobile is more than mobile versions of desktops applications
Every study shows that mobile and mobility are one of the main challenges businesses face today and...
Software & Tools
The end of enterprise social networks ?
Summary : social networks won't die but deeply mutate. Since they only cover a small part of...
Human resources
Digital Nomads : today’s community for tomorrow’s workers
Perhaps you've already heard about Digital Nomads. More than a site it's rather a community for those...