Summary : it's more than difficult to make people participate into social or participative activities that are trying to emerge all around the organization, despite of the obvious benefits for both them and the collective. Two reasons to that. First is the benefit of participation car be immediate for someone in the community while it may take time for the giver to get anything in return. Second is people are entangled in day-to-day execution and coordination issues that give them few time, energy and attention to focus on anything...
Summary : it's more than difficult to make people participate into social or participative activities that are trying to emerge all around the organization,...
summary :tomorrow's enterprise will be connected. And employees too. If they don't they'll become obsolete and useless : success, performance and competitiveness relies on...
McKinsey recently issued a report on enterprise web 2.0 projects which identifies what they think being the six success factors for such projects. Before...
Yesterday morning someone pointed out this CioInsight survey to me (the publication date isn't mentioned although it would be an useful information...).
It tells us...
In the "let's make 2.0 a performance oriented tool instead of a nice concept", some more ideas.
What are enteprise 2.0 specialists biggest challenges ?...